Saturday, February 23, 2008

LGP Episode 7 - Nuclear No-Scopes

This is a montage of some awesome no-scopes in Halo 3. These aren't our videos because our capture card is still broken... sorry guys but here is another fill in while we wait! again we're sorry

Sunday, September 30, 2007

LGP Episode 3- 19 Twink PvP

This episode is a video of me on my 19 Twink Rouge PvPing in World of Warcraft.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

LGP Episode 2- Halo 300

This video is a movie I made with the audio from the 300 trailer and the video from the Halo Trailers and combined them to make a sweet Halo 300 Trailer.

LGP Episode 1- Halo 3 Hoedown

This is a video I found on YouTube and I thought it would be great for one of the upcoming video called Halo 3 Release Prediction. N-Joy!